Fundraising Objects
Michael Winehouse

Michael Winehouse


Michael has been a fundraiser for over 12 years and a trustee for more than half of that time at both the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and The Amy Winehouse Foundation. The majority of his experience has been within high-value teams at some of the most recognisable and important charities in the UK such at Barnardo's, Scope, The Children's Society and London's Air Ambulance.

He now leads the high-value team at Centrepoint where his team brings in clsoe to £10m per year for youth homelessness.

Michael has been chair of the CIOF's Major Donor Group and remains a member, alongside this he is a grant assessor at the Joseph Levy Education Fund.


Trailblazing Trustees: Driving Innovation through Your Board - Panel discussion

We will discuss all aspects of innovation from the perspective of 3 trailblazing Trustees.

QTY 20.00
Fundraising Innovation Conference
QTY 80.00