Fundraising Objects

Lila Dowie


Lila Dowie is a Head of Corporate Partnerships and Trusts with over 20 years experience of managing corporate, commercial and restricted funding partnerships. Successes include managing a partnership with Wilkinson that generated £1.6m against a £1m target, managing strategic partnerships including Marriott Hotels, Fitness First, ITV and Gourmet Burger Kitchen. Prior to joining the Demelza, Lila worked at national blood cancer charity Anthony Nolan and in grant-giving at Help a London Child. Lila's first career was as a producer for Xfm and the BBC working with the likes of Vodafone, Sky, Colgate and Jameson on large outside broadcasts, live events, music sessions and producing shows for, among others, Adam and Joe, Lauren Laverne and Steve Wright.


Maternity Panel: motherhood, management and making it work

Thursday 1st January

A chinwag over a cuppa with two new mums (both experienced corporate bods) discussing motherhood and corporate partnerships, the parallels between the two and learnings so far. Can you balance a charity career and motherhood?

QTY 20.00
Corporate Partnerships Everywhere 2023

Past event - Thursday 16th March

QTY 80.00
Overcoming geography: building major partnerships at a regional charity

Thursday 1st January

QTY 20.00