I have over 30 years of experience in fundraising. I have been a senior manager, or Director, in four national NGOs in the UK: Scope; BTCV, Children's Aid Direct and FARM-Africa. Since 1998 I have run my own consultancy business and our clients range from the largest UK charities, several clients around the world and local community groups in the UK and East Africa. I am based in the UK, but on a regular basis I also undertake consultancy and training projects from a base in Kampala, Uganda. I'd like to be recognised as the person who has given hundreds (thousands) of people the chance to flourish as fundraisers, by giving them the building blocks of successful careers and equipping them to raise £millions for a wide range of causes. Graduates of my training programmes are now successful fundraising managers around the world, including roles at UNICEF, the University of Bristol and Great Ormond Street Hospital. This has been acknowledged by my recent election as a Fellow of the Institute of Fundraising in the UK. I am most proud of my role in shaping and securing the funding for major social and environmental initiatives, such as Bonkersfest, Child Safety Week and the Green Gym in the UK.
In this session, grants specialist Bill Bruty talks through his research into how funders react to recessions and how these learnings can be applied to fundraising post-pandemic and in future downturns.
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