Survive or Thrive? Changing the Game with AI with John Roberts & Stuart Towell

Survive or Thrive? Changing the Game with AI


In the words of the Reimagining Fundraising Initiative, “If we do not reinvent ourselves, we risk stagnation or, even worse, we will start to go into rapid decline.”

Such is the importance of innovation across the sector, many charities now have entire teams dedicated to transforming, adapting and evolving the ways they work in the face of an ever-changing fundraising landscape.

In this session, join John Roberts to explore how charities – big and small – are leveraging the latest, AI-based tools to drive change – for the better – in a persistently challenging climate.

We’ll be looking at real-world case studies which showcase how innovation can be the difference between surviving and thriving, and how even subtle adoptions of new technologies can have disproportionately large impacts on fundraising performance and efficiency.

Key learnings from this session:

  1. How to do common fundraising tasks better, quicker, and in a way which puts you ahead of the competition
  2. How to turn data into clear, actionable fundraising outputs
  3. How to improve engagement with your supporters through better-targeted, more relevant communications


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