Pivoting a Fail into a win/Successful Innovation when the budget is cut with Daniel Field

Pivoting a Fail into a win/Successful Innovation when the budget is cut


In a 2-4-1 offer, in just 30 minutes you’ll learn how you can turn failures into success, and how to innovate when your budgets get cut.

In the first half Dan will cover how he and the team took a failing product and turned it around into a £100k a year income generator, with a fraction of the budget. He’ll talk you through the process they followed and lessons learnt along the way.

In the second half, Dan will talk about how any charity can innovate on a tight budget. Giving a real world example of when he and team experienced budget cuts and how they managed to continue innovating and piloting on a tight budget. This part of the session will give you some practical tips and tools you can use today so you can continue innovating regardless of budget.

Key learnings from this session:

Part 1

  • How to turn a failing product around in 4 steps
  • The results we achieved
  • 5 lessons we learnt

Part 2

  • How you can identify innovation opportunities on a budget
  • Practical tips for innovating on a budget – from insight to testing
  • Resources and tools to supercharge your innovation efforts when on a budget


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