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Calling all legacy fundraisers!
We’re hosting a celebration of everything legacy fundraising, bringing together a mix of global experts from the UK and around the world to help you grow your gifts in wills and in-memory income.
If you’re an early-stage legacy fundraiser that wants to learn how to grow your programme or a seasoned professional that wants to innovate in a rapidly changing world, this one is for you.
The future for legacy giving is bright with legacy income forecast to more than double in real terms by 2050. And no longer just to the benefit of the really big charities; legacy giving is growing at the grassroots, with thousands of small and local causes receiving legacy gifts for the first time.
Is your charity ready?
Book your place today and join us in February for a legacy conference that will inspire.
“What a fantastic afternoon – how conferences SHOULD be! I have never had so much content to take away and ideas to think about (after 26 years as a fundraiser that is saying something). Huge THANK YOU to all the speakers and contributors. You are awesome.”
Hosted in partnership with Fundraising Everywhere and the team at Legacy Futures.
Want to partner with us? Email to find out how you can get involved.
Don’t get angry. Get even better!
Speaker: Alex McDowell
Gifts in wills are often a charity’s’ biggest source of voluntary income or their biggest income growth opportunity. Despite this, (legacy) fundraisers are often frustrated by a perceived lack of focus on legacies or colleagues’ reticence to promote gifts in wills. Having served as legacy fundraiser and subsequently, a director of fundraising in both large and less large organisations, Alex has seen both sides of the coin. In this session, he will use this experience to explore how legacy fundraisers can go from ‘being right about legacies’ to ‘legacies being right at the heart’ of the charity’s communications.
Growing the top 2% – Legacies and Major Donors
Speaker: Caroline Donald
We all know how important high value legacies are. For most of us, good years are driven by this high value legacy group, and when they come, suddenly everyone is interested. But what if they don’t come? What should we be doing now to make sure they come in the future? When I am older, wiser and being invited to legacy stewardship events myself, I want the pride of knowing that the biggest legacy I left for UNICEF was the work that I am doing now to help grow the top 2 per cent. Good thing I’ve got at least 20 years before I retire, because there is a lot to do and surprisingly very little understanding in the UK about wealthy individuals and what they are planning for their legacy giving. In 2022 I commissioned Legacy Voice to undertake some research into high value supporters and legacy giving for UNICEF and am happy to share some of what I have learned. Come and find out, from a fundraisers perspective, what you need to know about this audience, some of their motivations, a surprising competitor right under your nose, and what you might need to think about at your charity.
Developing a legacy proposition
Speakers: Peter Cashman
In this session Peter will discuss: why you need a legacy proposition; what it’s about and what it isn’t about; how you develop a unique proposition; and examples of different successful legacy propositions.
6 steps to strong legacy web pages
Speaker: Madeleine Sugden
Your legacy web pages are your digital shop window. Here’s how to make them connect with and inspire your supporters to take action. Key learnings include: 1) The importance of good digital legacy content; 2) 6 elements of good design; and 3) How to assess your own web pages.
“I should like to die in the auditorium” – Legacy giving and the arts
Speaker: Marina Jones
Why do people leave legacies? What are their stories and connections supporters have to your charity? And how knowing these stories helps you talk to them about including a gift in their will to support you. Using the insights and learning from twenty oral histories with legacy pledgers Marina will share what supporters’ life narratives tell us about why they gave a gift and what you can learn and apply to your own legacy giving. These oral histories explored a lifetime of connection with the charity – and what and when made them give a legacy gift. It looks at how they think about these gifts as different to other gifts in their will and what is important for them in maintaining relationships with the charity.
Legacies, Management and Language
Speakers: Fraser Green & Jen Love
Join our panel as they guide you through a fascinating discussion on what language we should use and what kind of wording and messaging we can better avoid when communicating with supporters and donors about gifts in wills.
From intern to Head of Legacies – in 7ish years
Speaker: Anaish Yilma-Parmar
Anaish changed career in his late 20s, from performing arts to legacy fundraising, and hasn’t looked back. In this talk, he shares his journey, having worked on all aspects of gifts in wills fundraising. Hear how this experience is helping him navigate his new role of Head of Legacies at the British Red Cross.
Legacies and the cost of living crisis
Speaker: Doug Clow
We all know about the cost of living crisis, but what effect will it have on legacies? Doug will bring Legacy Foresight’s unmatched expertise and experience in analysing and forecasting legacies to explore what might happen in the short, medium, and long term.
Taking the next steps in your legacy career
Speaker: Emma Bowles, Nikita Gandhi, & Abbie Barton
This session we will be joined by Legacy Futures Leader Award Winners 2022 Abbie Barton and Nikita Gandhi. Abbie and Nikita will be sharing their own personal experiences of how they started their career in legacies, how they developed legacy giving within both small and large scale charities and how they managed legacies alongside other important income streams. They will also be sharing their top tips for a successful career in legacies! By the end of this session, we hope you will feel inspired to take the next step in your legacy journey.
Does your charity need an ethical policy?
Speakers: Claire Routley & Sanita Guddu
Are there scenarios in which it would be unethical to market or accept legacy gifts? In this session, Claire Routley and Sanita Guddu explore this to help you to determine whether you may need to implement an ethical policy?
Innovating with legacies: Ask the expert
Speakers: Lucinda Frostick, Philip Simmons & Juan Mones
In this panel session, innovation expert Juan Mones (Head of Global Fundraising Innovation at Unicef) and legacy fundraising pro Philip Simmons (Legacy Manager at Dogs Trust) will club together to explore how charities are innovating with legacy fundraising. What does innovation look like in the legacy space and why does it matter? How can fundraisers drive innovation in their own legacy programme? Chaired by Lucinda Frostick (Director of Remember A Charity), this is an interactive session where delegates will be encouraged to post their own questions to the panellists.
More information coming soon…
Speakers are added to our events as we receive their details and are updated continuously. These events achieve the goals set out in our EDI commitment.
12:00 Thursday 30th January
Discover how to recruit more events participants and increase ROI at the Events Fundraising Conference 2025.
11:00 Thursday 13th February
Fundraising Everywhere is excited to invite you to our first in-person networking event in Dublin! This is an excellent opportunity to connect with fellow fundraisers, share ideas, and explore how Fundraisers in Ireland can work together.
12:00 Thursday 20th February
Join us on February 20th for an in-depth masterclass on improving success, efficiency, and impact in your 2025 trust fundraising.
12:00 Thursday 20th March
Storytelling, strategies, and tactics to elevate your corporate fundraising income in 2025. Join us for an afternoon of presentations, case studies, and networking on March 20th.
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