Innovating on a Shoestring - Brilliant Basics: Highly successful fundraising appeals and challenge events with Muna Hussen

Innovating on a Shoestring - Brilliant Basics: Highly successful fundraising appeals and challenge events


Have you ever wanted to launch a new fundraising campaign but wasn’t quite sure where to start?

In this session, Muna will be taking you through several case studies of charities that have done exactly that.

From launching a new virtual DIY challenge to expanding on an appeal and creating new donors for life, this session will be jam packed with tips and tricks to help your charity nail the brilliant basics of new fundraising campaigns and initiatives. Without a huge resource lay-out, whether that be staff time or financial.

Key learnings from this session:

  • How to learn from charities who launched and expanded on their first virtual P2P challenge to great success
  • How to launch a Christmas appeal with impact beyond the campaign period
  • How to use email to raise more and create advocates out of donors.


Speakers are added to our events as we receive their details and are updated continuously. These events achieve the goals set out in our EDI commitment.

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