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Join JustGiving’s Oliver Shaw-Latimer and Haya Barlas in this practical session about all things Gift Aid when it comes to online giving. Haya will be quizzing Oliver on the highs and lows of processing millions of pounds worth of Gift Aid on the fundraising platform, and the online optimisations he and his team have implemented over the years that have significantly streamlined and boosted Gift Aid reclaim on behalf of thousands of charities. He’ll share top tips that any charity can take away, whichever system they use, and share some of the exciting things JustGiving has ahead to grow charities’ Gift Aid income.
Speakers are added to our events as we receive their details and are updated continuously. These events achieve the goals set out in our EDI commitment.
Past event - Thursday 30th January
Discover how to recruit more events participants and increase ROI at the Events Fundraising Conference 2025.
11:00 Thursday 13th February
Fundraising Everywhere is excited to invite you to our first in-person networking event in Dublin! This is an excellent opportunity to connect with fellow fundraisers, share ideas, and explore how Fundraisers in Ireland can work together.
12:00 Thursday 20th February
Join us on February 20th for an in-depth masterclass on improving success, efficiency, and impact in your 2025 trust fundraising.
12:00 Thursday 20th March
Storytelling, strategies, and tactics to elevate your corporate fundraising income in 2025. Join us for an afternoon of presentations, case studies, and networking on March 20th.
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