The Donor Survey Clinic (for Tiny Tickers and The Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund)

Fundraising Objects

Please note: this is for a yet-to-be-scheduled virtual training session that will be broadcast on at a later date. However, your purchase and donation of €5 will be processed immediately and put straight to good use.

We're going to be following a small charity (Tiny Tickers) as they launch a donor survey from scratch, with help from one of the world's most famous fundraisers, Rory Green.

You can buy your ticket now, with all profits being split equally between Tiny Tickers and The Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund.

Follow the journey as Rory Green starts a small charity's donor survey from scratch. From purpose and demand, to delivery and results, you'll see everything.

Later this year we'll broadcast a behind the scenes look at the project from start to finish, followed by a Q&A session with the stars.

Don't worry if you miss the live stream…recording will be made available afterwards to watch at your convenience.

All Ticket Sales Will Be Donated and split equally between Tiny Tickers and The Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund

The Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund is a secure way for individuals, philanthropies and businesses to contribute to the WHO-led effort to respond to the pandemic. The United Nations Foundation and the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation have created the solidarity fund to support WHO and partners in a massive effort to help countries prevent, detect, and manage the novel coronavirus – particularly those where the needs are the greatest.

Tiny Tickers ( is a small national charity that works to improve the chances of babies born with a serious heart condition.

Rory Green has been fundraising since the age of 10, when she volunteered to help run her school’s annual Bike-A-Thon for juvenile cancer research. Fundraising became her vocation at 14, when she lost a friend to Leukemia. Rory Green has been in the philanthropic sector for over eight years and is currently an Associate Director. In her spare time Rory is the founder and editor of Fundraiser Grrl, the fundraising community’s go-to source for comic relief.

Please note: this is for a yet-to-be-scheduled virtual training session that will be broadcast on at a later date. However, your purchase and donation of €5 will be processed immediately and put straight to good use.

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