With budget constraints being one of the key challenges fundraisers face, many charities are expanding their revenue streams to sustain their missions. Chief among those are corporate sponsorships, which empower charities to attain additional funds and foster long-term relationships with businesses and corporations.
Whether you’re seeking additional funds to power a 5K fundraiser or gauging support for your upcoming capital campaign, corporate sponsorships are a great way to attain that support. Let’s take a quick look at the steps and best practices for securing a sponsorship for your charity.
When fundraisers think of corporate sponsorships, they often think of businesses providing financial support to help charities execute a fundraising event idea. While event sponsorships are a key example, they are just one of many ways businesses can collaborate with charities.
Here are a few other common types of sponsorships:
Now that you understand the different types of sponsorships, you can request the ones that make the most sense for your charity and potential partners. For example, if you plan on hosting a gala, request a product sponsorship from your local winery if you know they have overstocked vintages.
Finding businesses to request sponsorships from can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. However, charities don’t need to contact every local business or big corporation they can think of to acquire partnerships. Start by narrowing your sponsorship prospects to the organisations most likely to support your charity.
Look for businesses that:
Especially if you are a small charity leader, reaching out to your network can prove invaluable in the search for sponsorship prospects. Connect with other fundraisers to discuss businesses they’ve successfully partnered with. Or, ask them to refer you to business owners or executives interested in working with charities.
To establish yourself as a reliable sponsorship candidate, you must first understand what businesses get from these partnerships. Generally, their benefits include:
Based on these benefits, make the necessary operational changes that position your charity as a great candidate for sponsorship. For example, you should:
It’s good to do a baseline preparation that generally sets up your charity to secure sponsorships. However, you’ll likely come across a sponsor who may have different needs unmet by the activities above. In that case, you’ll need to do additional work to demonstrate your value as a partner.
Just as you would personalise event experiences to your target audience, you must also personalise your sponsorship proposals to individual businesses. Thoroughly research each business, honing in on its needs and target audience.
Then, in your proposal, highlight:
Incorporate compelling visuals, stories, data, and other relevant information that might pique the sponsor’s interest. For example, if the sponsor is interested in working with charities that aid students in need, bring up the results of your recent program aimed at delivering school supplies to underprivileged students.
Additionally, include your contact information and follow-up communication plan in your proposal. This makes it easy for sponsors to reach out to you and gives them an idea of what messages to expect from your charity in the upcoming days.
After a business indicates its interest in the sponsorship you’re offering, it’s time to negotiate the specifics of the partnership and execute the plan. Don’t forget that your relationship doesn’t end after you’ve received the business’s support. With the right approach to stewardship and engagement, you can build a mutually beneficial relationship that lasts for years.
If you’re after more top content like this to power-up your partnerships, check out our Corporate Partnerships Conference 2025 coming up on March 20th.
Nikki is the co-founder of Fundraising Everywhere, featured in 2021’s Digital Womxn to Watch, and an international speaker about building innovative and inclusive teams.
As we (fruitlessly) attempt to clear our inboxes for Christmas and look to a new year, I wanted to pause for a moment of reflection and gratitude for what has been an incredible year.
Going into 2024 we set ourselves modest growth goals to allow space to test new ways of reaching fundraisers and well, some went great…others didn’t.
This might not be the most exciting read for many of you. But, for transparency, I want it to exist somewhere so you can see behind the curtain.
Before I get into the stats though, I want to say ‘thank you’.
Whether you’ve joined as an attendee, have chosen to push your professional development forward with us as a member, shown your support on social media, or partnered with us as a sponsor; it’s all noticed and appreciated. Thank you.
After a year ‘on pause’ in 2023, 2024 was all about bringing to life those new ideas we’d had bubbling – and most of it focused on creating offline spaces to deepen connections and bespoke learning programmes to deepen learning.
In June 2024 we hosted our very first Picnics Everywhere, a national (turned international!) day of getting together in outdoor spaces to share connections over shared food. In the end, we had 23 fundraiser picnics popping up in local parks with 389 people heading along to take part; a beautiful example of combining the outdoors with relaxed networking opportunities for people to relax and have fun with work events.
Keeping with the IRL theme, 2024 was the first year of trialing our IRL networking events which popped up in Newcastle, London, Manchester, Leeds, Edinburgh, and Chichester. It was a wonderful way to continue those conversations we’d started online and put faces to names after so many virtual conferences and webinars. A particular highlight was feedback from a fundraiser who had recently joined the sector from the private sector who said, ‘this is by far the best networking event I’ve been to, and I’ve been to a lot! You’ve nailed the energy and it feels so good to be here’
We’ll be continuing with both of these in 2025!
I should highlight here that both of these would not be possible without the people who gave up their time to help us organise and host these – we’re a relatively small team with only two of the three of us on the ‘fundraiser facing’ side of FE living in the UK, so we’re genuinely grateful to every picnic and IRL event organiser and host who has made all of this possible; special thanks to Josh Leigh who went above and beyond to actually ‘be’ me at our second London event when my train was delayed by 5hrs…and to the patience of the Manchester Picnics Everywhere attendees who ended up hostless due to illness!
And when it came to improving how we supported fundraisers with their professional development, three things stand out from this year.
First, the Digital Learning Grant (DLG) funded by JustGiving – the DLG pilot allowed us to support 102 fundraisers with their digital fundraising skills by providing a specially curated training programme alongside six months of Fundraising Everywhere membership. The pilot ended in May with email marketing skills up 44.4%, digital fundraising strategy skills up by 90.7%, and small charity tactics skills up by 104%! You can read more of the outcomes here. We’ve just welcomed 200 fundraisers to the next cohort and will do it all over again from January 2025!
Next was our research into how and how much access to learning had an effect on a fundraisers ability to do their job – we expected positive results but the actual outcomes were amazing! Not only did we discover that providing access to learning (which most people accessed adhoc and online) improved their potential to reach their targets, but staff were more likely to have better well being and want to stay in their jobs. You can download your free copy here if you’d like to get the backing you need for investment in your development for 2025.
And finally, our new events. In 2024 we launched the Face to Face and Telephone, Supporter Experience, Fundraising Innovation, and Charity Digital Skills Conferences; as well as hosting our annual favourites including the Individual Giving, Trusts and Major Donors, Corporate, Legacies, and Events Fundraising Conference.
I’m always amazed and grateful for the support of our conferences; from the collaborators who help us curate or promote, to the speakers who lend their time and talents to teach; all of it is possible thanks to them and it’s brilliant to see how it helps people jump ahead in their work or career.
It was another cracking year for training and five years in, our community, reach, and impact still continues to grow.
Over the year, we’ve streamed the equivalent of 617 days worth of content, way up on previous years which reflects the preference highlighted in our research where fundraisers favoured the ease and accessibility of virtual. However, live conference views were down to 8,125 in 2024; a reflection of learning habits where fundraisers are choosing to learn adhoc and on-demand rather than booking out afternoons. More of that in our improvement section.
Our membership has grown to almost 2,000 and 63 organisational members (thank you, Cam!) and 515 people have joined us at our IRL networking events.
We platformed 239 speakers this year and have paid out over €30,000 either directly to them or to their favourite charities. Of these speakers, 38% described themselves as LGBTQIA+, 31% were from minoritised backgrounds, and 13% described themselves as disabled. All of these are increases on previous years, and I’m proud that alongside ‘seasoned’ speakers we are able to support and platform brand-new speakers who have gone on to feature elsewhere or progress in their career – definitely more of this in 2025!
Obviously nothing is perfect and whilst everything we do comes from good intention, it doesn’t always go the way we expect.
In recent years, our focus has been on hosting amazing conferences for fundraisers. Whilst this still stands, recent research shows the majority of our community accesses our training on-demand – and with that there needs to be improvements.
We’ve been working with an agency on redesigning our on-demand experience for members which will go live in spring 2025. This will enable you to receive personalised recommendations for your learning journey, as well as the ability to track and save what you want to watch.
From our research it was apparent too that giving access to training wasn’t enough to help people use what they’ve learned, so we’ll be developing resources for our members to help them set and follow their own professional development goals. For our Organisational Members, we’ll be working alongside their Learning and Development teams to ensure what we do is complementary, for teams without this function we aim to be there as that support.
We’re also working really hard to improve how content is tagged on our website so you can search and find easily, and our email journeys are being updated to make sure you’re told about the learning opportunities that are right for you.
These are quite lengthy and costly projects so please bear with us, and give us feedback, as we navigate it!
Another area we’re improving in 2025 is our conference and webinar experience; both what you see as you attend and the content we host. Our aim is to confirm speakers and get their session information sooner so you’ll know exactly what you’ll be learning and when, and both speakers and sponsors will receive onboarding training so they’ll know how to deliver the best possible content to help you succeed. We’re recruiting an Events Manager to help us out with this so if you’d like to join us in the new year, please do apply!
We’ll be sharing more about our 2025 strategy in the new year which will share more about how and when we’ll be making these improvements, as well as what else we’ve got going on to help you succeed both in skills and confidence.
For now, please know how much I and the Fundraising Everywhere team appreciate you.
With each year brings new insights, challenges, and high points; and getting thorough stronger and better is entirely down to you and the community we support.
We hope your 2024 reflections fill you with the same gratitude we’ve had doing ours, and that we’ll celebrate even more successes in 2025.
Nikki is the co-founder of Fundraising Everywhere, featured in 2021’s Digital Womxn to Watch, and an international speaker about building innovative and inclusive teams.
In our latest research exploring how access to learning can help you thrive in your job, 62% of fundraisers said their biggest barrier to learning new things was finding the time to learn.
And I get it.
As an ex-fundraiser, I remember the packed diary with one eye on my target and another on the numerous tasks piled up to reach it.
Throw in personal lives with maintaining relationships, physical and mental health, and all of life’s little admin tasks, you have this (showing my age here by using a meme…)
But here’s the thing, you do have time to learn new things and in fact, I bet you’re already using it.
Here’s how…
When sharing the insights from our research report, Sarah Crowhurst said, “At some point charities decided that learning and development meant going on an expensive in person training course. Getting accredited. Coming back with all the knowledge and insight to magically transform a project or process. But it’s so different to that”
And others agree.
In our results, online training, both live and on-demand, was the most popular format attended by 97%. We’re seeing evidence of this across the sector. As well as courses, workshops, and webinars provided by businesses and freelancers, Fundraising Everywhere supported 10,106 fundraisers with their professional development in 2024.
However, despite this, 50% of charities were offering funding for individual certification as their lead learning choice which is a huge time and brain energy commitment, not to mention inaccessible to many people’s learning styles. Most fundraisers stated their preference was conferences or adhoc training; mostly accessed online.
‘Learning’ does not mean ‘classroom’, ‘qualifications’, or ‘courses’. Accessing a webinar, reading a blog, or attending a conference can help you learn something new.
I’m willing to bet you money you have either Instagram, TikTok, or LinkedIn on your phone.
And when you’re scrolling on those apps, you watch videos, read posts, and swipe carousels (and you probably end up in a scroll hole that you have to snap out of an hour later)
I’m not here to berate you for that, it’s sometimes nice to let your brain mindlessly float off (especially when your feed is full of dog videos) – but I do want to highlight that every video you watch or post you read, you’re already learning something new.
Whether it’s news about the world, how to create airfryer recipes, or train your puppy; social media content is geared towards educational content to build brands, community, and businesses – so use that, and your time online, to your advantage.
Curate your feed so the things you’re learning are useful to the goals you’re trying to achieve and create a mindset that even minutes, not hours or days, you can learn something new.
When investing time or effort into learning there’s a pressure to absorb everything and walk out away from the situation with your brain bursting out of your skull.
But that approach and mindset means your brain is focusing on keeping the information in, instead of absorbing what it means and how it can help you.
When approaching learning, accept that even learning just one thing is enough to improve your skills; and your ability to reach your targets.
There’s a tendency to rattle through our days when they’re so busy. And when we don’t make time to reflect, it’s easy for the things we do learn to disappear into the brain vault.
With your new mindset of being able to learn from multiple sources on a regular basis, be aware when those lightbulb moments are going off and make a note.
Share those learnings, and where you found them, on a regular basis with your team and discuss how they might be used.
Keep the habit of learning, noticing, sharing, and reflecting by creating spaces – conversational or digital – for you and your team to build healthier mindsets around what learning can look like.
In short (because that’s what we’re trying to highlight here) you are already learning something every day in the conversations you have, social media you engage with, and things you read – including this!
Be more mindful of those lightbulb moments where you have them and create more ways to seek them out.
And if you’d like to make it even easier to find hundreds of tiny lightbulb moments in one place, Fundraising Everywhere can help. Our on-demand microlearning resources mean you can learn any time, anywhere, and at your own pace. Then we have monthly live virtual and IRL moments where you can come together and share them with other people.
You can use promo code FREEMONTH here for you as a way of saying ‘well done for prioritising your learning by reading this article!’
Or if you’re a leader wanting access for your whole team like the folks at British Red Cross, WWF, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance, and Young Lives vs Cancer, contact Cam St Omer Donaldson here about getting involved.
Major giving is your charity’s ultimate tool to help manage challenges. Major gifts can help you work more effectively toward your mission, fund a critical need, or expand your services to a broader audience.
All major donor prospects will have given to and interacted with your charity at some point. Beyond that qualification, what additional indicators should you look for that demonstrate a prospect’s willingness and ability to become a major donor?
In this guide, we’re going to review the three major donor indicators noted in Bloomerang’s major gift fundraising guide (otherwise known as the three C’s):
Let’s explore exactly what to look for in each of these categories.
Convincing someone to make a significant gift to your charity requires them to have more than just a passing fancy for your organization. Donating is an emotional experience for most supporters, so you should seek prospects with a strong existing connection to your charity and its work.
Use your nonprofit CRM to identify donors with characteristics that indicate a powerful affinity for your mission, including:
These traits demonstrate that an individual has taken steps to get to know your organisation better and become more personally involved with its mission. In addition to using your nonprofit’s CRM to identify this information, you can also directly ask supporters via surveys how they feel about your organisation and what motivates them to continue giving their support.
Along with a loyal commitment to your organisation, major donor prospects must strongly believe in your mission itself. Your organisation may change over time as programs evolve, staff and board members change, and the scope of your work expands. However, your mission will stay consistent throughout all organisational changes.
These statements will likely ring true for many of your prospective major donors:
Review your donor database to identify prospects who exhibit a strong commitment to your mission and goals. These indicators suggest that a supporter is not only prepared to make a larger donation but also willing to maintain that level of giving to help advance your mission.
Of course, every prospective major donor must be financially equipped to contribute at the highest level. Identifying which donors have the capacity to donate large sums allows you to focus your major gift cultivation efforts on realistic prospects.
Prospects may be in the right financial situation to give a major gift if they:
Use a prospect research database to identify prospects who exhibit specific wealth indicators, like real estate holdings and stock ownership. This type of tool is especially useful if you’re a small charity without a prospect research specialist on your staff.
Remember that the most promising major giving prospects will exhibit all three indicators discussed in this guide. If you focus solely on wealth indicators, you may find yourself reaching out to individuals who have the means to make significant contributions but lack the motivation to do so. On the other hand, if you only concentrate on affinity indicators and neglect wealth information, you might waste your time and resources on individuals who are unable to give at a higher level.
By considering every facet of what drives someone to become a major donor, you can more easily identify which supporters to prioritize in your cultivation efforts and drive a higher return on investment for your major gift program.
Want to elevate your trusts, grants, or major donor fundraising?
Check out the Trusts and Major Donor Conference 2024
Happening on the 12th December
Claire is a digital mobiliser, fundraiser, and campaigner. Having worked in engagement and mobilisation teams at Greenpeace, ActionAid, Cancer Research UK and Amnesty International, she joined more onion over eight years ago. Since then she has delivered dozens of engagement and supporter journeys projects with organisations of all sizes and has trained hundreds of charity professionals in the same.
At More Onion, we’ve had the pleasure to work with charities of all sizes on welcome journeys to warm up, convert and retain brand new donors. Here are some insights from a decade of testing and learning:
Just to start off with a quick definition to make sure we’re on the same page. We’re talking about a connected series of communications that feel like an ongoing conversation, instead of a seemingly random series of communications that might jump around topics and asks. Within a journey each email is created to meet a specific supporter need at that moment in time, balancing different types of asks, and evolving the narrative as the journey progresses.
Typically supporter journeys are primarily delivered via email, however most journeys also factor in other key channels such as post and phone.
That may sound like a lot of work. But here’s why it’s worth taking the time to invest in great welcome journeys.
When it comes to creating an effective welcome journey, there are a few key tips to keep in mind.
You can learn more about journeys, engagement actions and optimisation testing on these free reports:
We hope you find these resources useful when it comes to creating your supporter welcome journeys.
If you’d like any hands-on support with your supporter journeys, reach out to us: claire@more-onion.com
Personalised event experiences can turn attendees into loyal supporters by making them feel individually valued and connected to your charity’s goals. When planning fundraising events, incorporating small personal touches—before, during, and after the event—can boost engagement and strengthen long-term commitment.
Let’s explore how you can create memorable, tailored experiences at each stage of your event to build deeper connections and lasting support for your cause.
By gathering relevant data and segmenting your audience, you can plan experiences that resonate with the preferences and interests of each individual or group in your community.
Start by identifying key data points that can help you understand your attendees, such as:
Use your event registration form and supporter surveys to collect more information about your attendees. As you do, be sure to maintain data hygiene by standardising formatting in your database and regularly auditing supporter profiles to identify any outdated or missing details.
Categorise your attendees into distinct groups to target personalised elements more precisely. Consider segmenting them into categories such as:
By collecting key data points and segmenting your audience thoughtfully, you lay the groundwork for delivering a personalised experience that feels genuinely meaningful to each attendee.
Explore these ideas to create personalised attendee journeys that begin from the first interaction:
These personalised pre-event touchpoints enhance engagement, helping attendees feel more connected to your charity and committed to supporting its mission before event day even arrives.
Consider these thoughtful event-day touches to make a lasting impression on each attendee:
Provide attendees with personalised welcome kits, which might include:
These items create a sense of belonging for attendees during the event and serve as mementos they can continue to appreciate once the event concludes.
Integrate event technology to add a personal touch in real time, such as:
These personalised on-the-day experiences make participants feel recognised, valued, and engaged in ways that strengthen their commitment to your charity’s mission. By focusing on personal touches throughout the event, you create a day to remember—one that attendees will look forward to each year.
After the event, personalised follow-up is key to building lasting relationships. Start with sincere thank-you messages highlighting each attendee’s unique impact to make them feel appreciated and valued.
Follow up with tailored content, like event highlights and impact stories, to show the difference each attendee’s support made. Share a post-event survey to collect feedback and demonstrate that your organisation is committed to continually improving its event experiences.
Finally, maintain supporter relationships by sharing exclusive updates, inviting them to future events, or providing other involvement opportunities they may be interested in. For example, you can ask previous attendees to serve as volunteers at your next event or join a dedicated social media group to connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about your cause.
Personalised experiences turn your event into a memorable journey that strengthens support and deepens commitment to your charity’s mission. By incorporating personal touches before, during, and after your event, you turn supporters from passive participants into active champions of your cause.
As you plan, remember that personalisation doesn’t have to be complex. Even small charities with limited budgets can find ways to tailor event experiences for attendees. Start small, focusing on what resonates most with your audience, and watch as each personal touch builds a stronger, more engaged community ready to support your cause year after year.
Caroline is an expert in trusts and foundations and major gifts fundraising and has raised millions for good causes. She runs LarkOwl with her partner Tony which supports charities with income generation from fundraising and commercial sources. She writes the Nest Egg, a fun and irreverent reader supported publication for fundraisers looking to supercharge their income generation activities and drive better results. Caroline is a regular guest host for the Bright Spot Members’ Club and her writing has been featured in Fundraising Magazine. For the past two years, she has co-curated Fundraising Everywhere’s Trusts and Major Donors conference.
If you’ve been wanting to register for Trusts and Major Donor Conference 2024, but haven’t been able to get budget sign-off from your manager, or you’re just not sure how to ask, Caroline Danks, conference co-curator, has written this brilliant letter. Copy, paste, and let’s get you there!
Dear Boss,
I’m writing to request a ticket to Trusts and Major Donors 2024.
It’s happening online at midday GMT on Thursday 12 December.
Please find below my reasons below / a business case for attending this event.
As a fundraiser working in the philanthropy space, I am very excited by every single session happening at Trusts and Major Donors 2024.
This year’s conference will focus on practical skills (following feedback from last year’s shindig).
The curators have been very intentional in matching speakers to topics. Beth and Caroline have been doing this work for a long time. They know the state of the sector and have both done major gifts and trust fundraising successfully in a number of different settings.
They know the topics we want to hear about (and the people who should be teaching them) – will you just look at those fabulous faces?!
I am especially excited to learn how:
Experienced trusts and foundations consultant Alicia Grainger organises her research;
Olivia Andrews approaches Monitoring and Evaluation AND tries to do it in an anti-racist way;
Philanthropy superstars Kevin Amponsah and Sarah Washington increase success rates and get face to face meetings.
Additionally, I want to hear:
Author and philanthropist Lisa Greer in conversation with Caroline about how donors and fundraisers can connect authentically
Lindsay Storie’s honest reflections on a career working with philanthropists (and how his thinking has changed)
A group of fundraisers talking about why they’ve remained in post for as long as they have – retention isn’t just for donors, it’s for staff too…
Matt Zeqiri sharing a fresh and creative approach to proposal writing.
The full programme is here with more details are being added all the time.
Being a fundraiser is hard right now.
I’m tired, you’re probably tired.
An afternoon away from Raisers’ Edge to connect with colleagues would be a welcome and necessary intervention in my weary fundraiser life.
Chatting with others and exploring new ideas together is energising and motivating. It’s exactly the boost I need right now.
Fundraising Everywhere’s recent research on Learning and Development in our sector revealed:
“a strong desire among fundraisers for opportunities that go beyond immediate work needs, especially in areas like well-being, networking, and career progression”.
So, before I slide into a vat of brandy butter and Michael Buble, I’d love some inspiration from fellow sector warriors so I can emerge from the fairy lights in January feeling fresh and excited for the coming year.
This is an online conference meaning it’s so much easier for me to go!
As well as being able to attend from the comfort of my Oodie (Or we could do a watch party as a team? I promise to wear actual clothes), there will be no need for you to stump up the cost of travel, accommodation or dinner in Wahaca on the way home.
All we need to cover is the price of the ticket (which is £75).
Because it’s online, I get to watch back the sessions I missed and / or my favourite sessions. Amazing!
We’re in the high value market so I don’t need to tell you that most of the gifts we solicit are in the range of four figures +
I’m totally confident that if I were to pick up only 1 golden nugget of advice from this conference and apply it (as many times as needed), it will result in one more gift than had I not attended.
That’s at least £1,000 more for (insert charity name).
But with so many incredible sessions, plus the ability to watch it back afterwards, I’m going to get multiple nuggets which will undoubtedly contribute directly to our success overall.
Fundraising Everywhere’s recent research backs this up:
“There’s no doubt that Learning and Development drives success.
In our research, 91% of fundraisers from growing organisations have engaged in training in the past 12 months…
This shows how learning doesn’t just help you grow professionally – it also has a direct impact on the success of your charity”.
The cost of attending is just £75 – a steal really when you consider the difference it’s going to make.
The team at Fundraising Everywhere are completely fantastic people. They’d never say so themselves of course, they’re far too modest.
If I attend this conference, we as an organisation get to make a statement about the kinds of people we want leading our fundraising training in the future.
Fundraising Everywhere have solid policies regarding inclusion that they ACTUALLY live by.
They pay every single one of their speakers, meaning that people who cannot afford to speak for free are not excluded from sharing their knowledge with others.
They actively seek out new voices and perspectives, prioritising experts from diverse backgrounds who have thus far been excluded from a traditionally very white / hetero / ableist sector.
They are conscious of the environmental impact of their work and take action to mitigate their carbon use.
They provide scholarships, training and free content for charities with limited budgets.
All of this not only results in better training for me (no one wants to hear the same old people repeatedly), but it encourages others to meet new basic standards of decency and humanity.
I would love to see (insert your org name here) committed to similar values.
So all that being the case, will you buy me a ticket to Trusts and Major Donors 2024?
I would be forever grateful and promise not to leave to join (insert alternative charity name here) anytime soon.
With inestimable gratitude – thanks for being an awesome boss,
(insert your name here)
You can buy tickets to Trusts and Major Donors 2024 using this link.
Please note, this is an affiliate link meaning that LarkOwl gets 25% of all ticket sales bought through this link (which we will be spending on a barrel of the finest spiced rum).
Can’t wait to see you all there.
As a One of Many™ certified leadership coach and trainer, Sarah Tite brings together many years of leadership experience with tools and techniques that help people face challenges with confidence. She is Director of Sarah Tite Coaching Ltd.
I was excited to have an opportunity to read and reflect on the findings of this important piece of research.
Let’s skip to the end of the report, pause and reflect on this ‘Organisations that prioritise L&D are more likely to have better fundraising performance’. Then head back to the beginning to look at who invested the time to participate in this research, nearly 60% were managers, heads or directors many of whom then went on to say that the reasons not meeting their L&D needs are because of time, capacity, head space and budget!
Why am I skipping about because when you put these three findings together it raises a question for me about what the impact on junior and non-management staff is, if leaders who have privilege and power don’t prioritise or feel able to make space for personal development. Not discounting the impact on leaders who feel unable to put themselves first.
As a leader myself in the non-profit sector for the last 20 years, I have seen how people who choose this path are incredibly dedicated, working hard towards a cause they believe in, but this can come at a high cost when hard work slips in to overwhelm, stress and frustration, impacting on an individual’s self-confidence and performance.
I just want to invite you to reflect on the difference it could make to you and your teams’ performance, happiness and resilience if you role-modelled protecting time in your diary to focus on your own wellbeing. Imagine what could be possible 😊
Have you considered how coaching could support individual and team learning and development. Or have you dismissed it because of what you think it would cost!
I invite you to think again because while the benefits of coaching are many, from impact on an individual’s wellbeing to the ripple effect this has across teams and organisations. Research has shown that 80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence, and over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills. 86% of organisations report that they recouped their investment on coaching and more.
As a member of Fundraising Everywhere not only can you access their Confident Charity Leaders Programme of on-demand video content to help support you to lead with more confidence but also they fund a 30-minute coaching session with one of my charity experienced qualified coaches – this is an opportunity to give yourself permission to pause, to think and explore what is on your mind, helping you to deepen your thinking or think differently.
The benefits of building self-confidence are clear because a mind free from doubt, acts rather than ruminates and procrastinates. This is important because feeling able to control one’s own workload, build healthy relationships at work and have open communication however difficult it may feel are all cited as areas that lead to work-related stress, if they are not managed properly.
Deloitte’s survey “Mental health and employers – The case for investment” revealed that organisations who invest in the mental health of their employees will see a return of £5.30 on average for every £1 invested, so putting wellbeing and personal development at the heart of organisations is self-evident for building workplaces where people thrive, not just survive.
Bringing awareness to a problem is the first step to creating change which is why I welcome Fundraising Everywhere’s commitment to creating change in the charity sector by investing in research that draws out what is present below the surface so it can be tackled head on.
At Fundraising Everywhere, our mission is to make learning and development simple, flexible, and impactful. We understand the challenges fundraisers face, which is why we’ve built a platform that meets you where you are. We’re always evolving, actively listening to your feedback and continuously finding new ways to support you. This year alone, we introduced four brand new conferences in direct response to the needs and requests of our Members.
L&D is about more than just learning; it’s about empowering you to succeed in your role and thrive in your career. And Fundraising Everywhere is here to support you on that journey.
Want to dig into the data of our recent research report on L&D in the charity sector?
Cam St-Omer Donaldson is Head of Member Engagement and Relations at Fundraising Everywhere.
At Fundraising Everywhere, we understand that learning and development (L&D) isn’t just important – it’s crucial for fundraisers who want to grow, succeed, and thrive in their roles.
But we also understand that accessing meaningful L&D opportunities can often feel challenging, especially with the demands of the job.
Our recent research reinforces this, showing that while fundraisers see the value of professional development, many face barriers like lack of time, limited capacity, and a need for more variety in learning formats.
That’s where we come in – making L&D not only accessible but also easy to integrate into your busy schedule.
One of the most common challenges highlighted in our research is finding the time for learning. 62% of fundraisers reported that time is the biggest barrier to pursuing L&D. Between managing donor relationships, planning campaigns, and dealing with day-to-day responsibilities, it’s no wonder finding time for training can feel impossible.
That’s why we’ve designed our learning content to be as flexible as possible. With Fundraising Everywhere, you can engage with training on your own terms, whether through live webinars or on-demand sessions that fit into your schedule.
Short, focused learning experiences mean you can get the insights you need without overwhelming your workload.
Our research also highlights the need for variety in L&D. Fundraisers are looking for more than just one-size-fits-all training – they need content that reflects the wide range of skills required in their roles. That’s why we offer a wide range of learning opportunities to suit your needs, from bite-sized learning sessions to more in-depth courses. You choose what works best for you.
There’s no doubt that L&D drives success. In our research, 91% of fundraisers from growing organisations have engaged in training in the past 12 months. Those who invest in their development are more likely to meet their fundraising goals and stay in their roles longer.
One Member shared their experience with us:
“This training has been incredibly helpful. It’s led us to refresh our communication strategy, and that’s made a real difference for our organisation.”
This shows how learning doesn’t just help you grow professionally – it also has a direct impact on the success of your charity.
L&D isn’t just about developing fundraising skills – it’s about personal and professional growth. Our research revealed a strong desire among fundraisers for opportunities that go beyond immediate work needs, especially in areas like well-being, networking, and career progression.
Many fundraisers feel they lack the space to grow beyond their immediate role.
That’s why we provide training that supports your overall development, whether you’re looking to improve your work-life balance, build your network, or explore new career paths.
Our new Career Development Collection is a great example of how we’re providing fundraisers with the tools to explore new opportunities and advance their careers. Check it out here. ⬅️
The findings from our research are clear: fundraisers who feel supported in their learning and development are more likely to thrive in their roles. Whether it’s overcoming the barrier of time, accessing varied learning formats, or building new skills, prioritising L&D can make all the difference.
For both individual fundraisers and organisations alike, investing in L&D isn’t just about achieving immediate goals. It’s about long-term growth and sustainability – for you, your charity, and the wider sector.
Third Sector recently highlighted these findings from our report, reinforcing the importance of L&D in driving both staff retention and performance across the charity sector. Check out the article here. ⬅️
At Fundraising Everywhere, our mission is to make learning and development simple, flexible, and impactful. We understand the challenges fundraisers face, which is why we’ve built a platform that meets you where you are. We’re always evolving, actively listening to your feedback and continuously finding new ways to support you. This year alone, we introduced four brand new conferences in direct response to the needs and requests of our Members.
L&D is about more than just learning; it’s about empowering you to succeed in your role and thrive in your career. And Fundraising Everywhere is here to support you on that journey.
Want to dig into the data of our recent research report on L&D in the charity sector?
Alex Aggidis is Head of Growth Marketing at Fundraising Everywhere. She leads on brand, creative development, marketing planning and strategy. Alex worked as a fundraiser for over 10 years in the UK charity sector, across Corporates, Major Gifts and Product Innovation, before specialising in Individual Giving. During her time at Scope, Alex and her team won 3 Gold and 1 Silver DMA awards across 4 separate categories. Alex won a place as a ‘rising star’ to speak at SOFII’s ‘I Wish I Though Of That’ and won 2nd place overall. Before joining Fundraising Everywhere Alex was Interim Head of Individual Giving at Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
In the world of fundraising, Individual Giving remains a critical pillar of support for charities of all sizes. But as we move towards 2025, the landscape is shifting, presenting both challenges and opportunities for fundraisers.
As economic uncertainties linger, donor expectations evolve, and digital engagement grows, as fundraisers we must adapt and innovate to ensure our strategies remain effective.
But, as we know, this stuff isn’t easy. And fundraisers are tired. It feels a bit like we’re at the foot of the highest mountain, and, despite our efforts, the summit remains just beyond reach.
In recent years, Individual Giving has experienced a bit of a rollercoaster. Economic pressures, driven by factors such as inflation and the cost-of-living crisis, have placed strain on donors.
Many supporters are finding it harder to maintain the same level of giving they once did.
Fundraisers are now trying to manage fewer regular gifts, regulatory changes, increased donor fatigue, and a competitive environment in a context where the need for support is higher than ever.
The rise of digital engagement also means that fundraisers must navigate new tools and platforms, while donors expect seamless, personalised experiences.
In addition, transparency and accountability are at the forefront of donors’ minds. They want to know how their contributions are making a difference and increasingly seek a direct connection with the causes they support.
1. Donor Retention: Keeping donors engaged over the long term is a significant challenge. With more charities competing for attention, fundraisers are grappling with how to stand out and nurture meaningful relationships.
2. Shifting Donor Demographics: The older generations, historically the most reliable supporters of individual giving, are beginning to step back from active donation, while younger generations are emerging as potential donors. However, their giving habits are different—they prioritise impact, demand digital convenience, and expect deeper connections with the causes they support.
3. Budget Constraints: Many charities are operating on tighter budgets, with less capacity to invest in innovative campaigns or technology upgrades. This makes it harder to keep up with donor expectations and fundraising best practices.
4. Digital Transformation: While digital tools offer immense potential, they also pose a steep learning curve. Understanding how to harness the power of digital platforms to create a cohesive donor experience is a challenge that fundraisers are increasingly facing.
To succeed in 2025 and beyond, fundraisers need to think ahead, strategise, and invest in areas that will future-proof efforts. Here are a few areas to start:
Fundraisers may feel overwhelmed by the current situation, but you don’t have to tackle challenges alone, help is at hand.
By joining a community of fellow fundraisers, you can tap into a wealth of shared knowledge, advice, and support. Platforms like Fundraising Everywhere offer access to a global network where you can connect with peers, share insights, and collaborate on solutions to common challenges.
Additionally, you can find free resources dotted all around the internet, webinars, guides, and forums. Linkedin, for instance, has a whole host of peers and experts ready and waiting to connect with you. We also have a weekly newsletter, that shares fundraising tips, insights and support.
Here at Fundraising Everywhere, we also have the 5th edition of the Individual Giving Conference, coming up on October 17th 2024. Its been expertly curated to address the very pain points discussed in this blog, and equip fundraisers with the tools and strategies you need to thrive.
With 3 rooms; insights & people, acquisition and retention, there’s something for everyone across the whole Individual Giving space.
Speaker: Anna-Leigh Purland. Learn how Air Ambulance Charity Kent Surrey Sussex raised the £1M to buy a new lifesaving helicopter in just 6 weeks, via a multi channel campaign including warm mail, door drops and press ads.
Speaker: Claire Donner, More Onion. Learn how to design a welcome journey that turns new supporters into your biggest advocates. With over a decade of insights from More Onion, Claire will guide you through practical steps to refine your current approach or start fresh.
Speaker: Molly Cottrill, Senior Fundraising Coordinator at Action Tutoring. In this session, discover Action Tutoring’s AI journey, learn how they are using generative AI, and their plans are for safely using AI going forward.
Speaker: Muna Hussen, UK Country Lead at Raisely. This session will take the confusion out of exactly what you need to do, to deliver on great peer to peer campaigns!
Speaker: Paul Taylor, Senior CRM Specialist at JustGiving. In this session, JustGiving’s Head of CRM, Paul Taylor will take you through planning, building, crafting and sending the perfect email.
Individual Giving Conference will provide practical, actionable takeaways to help you navigate the unique challenges of 2024 and beyond.
Whether it’s learning how to deepen donor relationships or understanding the latest in digital innovation, this conference offers the insights fundraisers need to stay ahead.
As we look to 2025, it’s time to rethink traditional approaches, embrace innovation, and equip ourselves with the tools to succeed.
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