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If your supporters can change the world with the goods they buy, why should they give to your organisation?
Purposeful brands reliably outperform the market. There is a financial incentive for brands to invest in purpose, and in the minds of the consumer there is little difference between a brand ‘doing good’ and a charity. If they can help save the rainforest by buying the right laundry detergent brand, is there a need for me to donate to charity?
Amy will talk about the rise of purposeful brands, the threat this poses to our sector, and how we can compete in a world where everyone is doing good.
Speakers are added to our events as we receive their details and are updated continuously. These events achieve the goals set out in our EDI commitment.
Past event - Thursday 12th December
Are you a trusts, grants, or major donor fundraiser that’s looking for a way to define success, increase your impact, and reduce your workload? The Trusts and Major Donor conference is back for another year of shared learning, case studies, and best practice to help you focus on the areas that will help you succeed.
13:00 Wednesday 22nd January
Please join Fundraising Everywhere as we share and discuss the key findings from our research into The Impact of Learning and Development on Charity Staff.
12:00 Thursday 30th January
Discover how to recruit more events participants and increase ROI at the Events Fundraising Conference 2025.
12:00 Thursday 20th February
Join us on February 20th for an in-depth masterclass on improving success, efficiency, and impact in your 2025 trust fundraising.
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